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About Us

Hemam Synergy

Changing the way you see agriculture

Hemam Synergy

Theory of change:


To support smallholder farmers in improving their livelihoods, increasing agricultural productivity, and achieving sustainable development.


  1. Inputs Provision

    We provide smallholder farmers with high-quality seeds, fertilizers, and other necessary agricultural inputs.

  2. Training and Capacity Building

    We offer training programs on sustainable farming practices, modern agricultural techniques, information dissemination, and efficient resource management.

  3. Climate Smart Agriculture

    We promote climate smart agriculture through the introduction of our solar-powered irrigation system, enabling smallholder farmers to build resilience and mitigate the effects of climate change.

  4. Grain Quality Improvement

    We enhance the quality of grains produced to improve market value, income, food safety, and nutrition.

  5. Market Access

    We facilitate access to profitable markets by establishing partnerships with buyers, cooperatives, and other market actors, as well as grains offtake from farmers.


  1. Farmer Identification and Selection

    We identify smallholder farmers who are in need of support and have the potential for growth. This we do through the community head and clan leaders who recommend and reference these farmers.

  2. Input Distribution

    We distribute necessary inputs to selected farmers, ensuring they receive the right quantity and quality.

  3. Training and Skill Development

    We conduct training sessions on best practices in crop cultivation, pest and disease management, soil conservation, water management, and information on weather forecast.

  4. Market Linkages

    We procure and offtake grains from farmers in addition to establishing market linkages by connecting them to potential buyers, promoting fair trade practices, and supporting the formation of farmer cooperatives.


  1. Increased Agricultural Productivity

    Smallholder farmers adopt improved farming techniques, resulting in increased crop yields and enhanced agricultural productivity.

  2. Improved Livelihoods

    Increased productivity leads to improved incomes and livelihoods for smallholder farmers and their families.

  3. Sustainable Resource Management

    Farmers practice sustainable farming methods, leading to the conservation of natural resources, reduced environmental impact, and enhanced resilience to climate change.

  4. Poverty Alleviation

    By connecting farmers to profitable markets as well as off-taking their grains, we achieve poverty reduction and economic growth in rural communities.

  5. All-Year Round Farming

    With our solar-powered irrigation system, farmers have access to consistent and reliable water supply for their crops, enabling year-round farming and ultimately resulting in increased productivity.

  6. Improved Market Value

    The adoption of grain quality improvement leads to improved quality of harvested grains, reduced losses after harvest, preservation of nutritional value, and ultimately, increased income and food security.

  7. Gender Equality

    We promote gender equality by ensuring equal access to inputs, training, and market opportunities for both male and female farmers.


Sustainable Development

By improving the livelihoods of smallholder farmers, we contribute to the achievement of several Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), including:

  1. SDG 1: No Poverty

  2. SDG 2: Zero Hunger

  3. SDG 5: Gender Equality

  4. SDG 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth

  5. SDG 9: Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure

  6. SDG 12: Responsible Consumption and Production

  7. SDG 13: Climate Action

Overall, the theory of change outlines how our support for smallholder farmers through input provision, training, and market access can lead to improved agricultural productivity, increased incomes, sustainable resource management, poverty alleviation, and the achievement of various SDGs.